Sunday, June 25, 2006

Oh, the Places We'll Go!

Dr. Suess tells us in Oh, the Places You'll Go! that we're off to Great Places! ..... off and away! We have brains in our heads and feet in our shoes and we can steer ourself in any direction we choose.
I'm beginning to think my brains are in my feet and I definitely can't steer myself in any direction I choose. Specifically I can't seem to manage to get the boat back in the slip.

All I wanted to do was the Wednesday night races. I've been crewing on Wednesday nights on and off for the past eight years. I didn't want to miss out just because my husband was on travel. I figured I should be able to gather a group of women and take the boat out. That was the easy part - taking the boat out. And it was a lovely night. Getting the boat back in the slip required numerous tries and neighborly help. The crew was thankful to get off. They were beginning to wonder if we would ever make it. So was I.

I've got a lot to learn if I intend to make those Wednesday night races.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


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